"Absolutely jaw-dropping stories" — Jenny Crwys-Williams, Radio 702
An enraged elephant flips a car onto its roof. A lioness prises open the door of a terrified couple. A leopard helps itself to a family’s picnic breakfast. A fleeing impala leaps through an open car window. A lion charges around inside a busy rest camp. A hyaena snatches a baby from a tent. A tourist takes a bath in a croc-infested dam…
These are just a few of the 101 jaw-dropping sightings, scrapes and encounters in this collection of extraordinary true stories from the roads, camps, picnic sites and walking trails of South Africa’s Kruger National Park, as told by the very people who experienced them. There are no game ranger tales here – each and every story happened to an ordinary Kruger visitor doing what over a million tourists do in this spectacular reserve each year.
It is a book to keep by your bedside in Kruger, to dip into at home when you’re missing the bush, to lend to friends who’ve never visited Kruger, or to pore over before your next trip. Just don’t expect to ever sleep soundly in a safari tent again…
Take a sneak-peek inside the book...
Sample tale 1
Angry Elephant's Road Rage Rampage
by Sander Hofman
An angry bull elephant has its patience tested by a tourist who refuses to move. The results are disastrous - for the tourist and for an unsuspecting couple!
Sample tale 2
A Small Knife and a Big Dilemma
by Henk & Hilda Maree
When an impala runs beneath the wheels of a car and breaks its back, the driver is left with an awful choice to make: slit its throat, or let it die in agony...
Sample tale 3
The Hippo, the Impala and the Natural Order of Things
by Sylvester Motaln
The hippo is the grouchiest of all Africa's animals, but will its astonishing streak of kindess be enough to save a plucky impala from a crocodile attack?
Got your own Kruger tale? Submit it for the next edition...
Have you got your own Kruger tale that's just bursting to be shared? I'd love to consider it for the second edition of the book: 'Another 101 Kruger Tales'. You can submit it using the form below.
The second edition will be just like the first: an un-put-downable collection of extraordinry tales from the Kruger National Park in the words of ordinary, everyday visitors to the Park - just like you!
Just about everyone who has visited the park has a great Kruger story to tell. Now's your chance to share it (and nobody will yawn)! Short or long, funny or serious, tragic or light-hearted I want to hear YOUR Kruger story and share it with some of the other 1.5 million annual visitors to this most extraordinary game reserve!
(NOTE: If the form does not work, you can submit your story to , but this should be a last resort only)