Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is 101 Kruger Tales about?
A: 101 Kruger Tales: Extraordinary Stories from Ordinary Visitors to the Kruger National Park is a collection of true, first-hand accounts of extraordinary sightings, encounters and incidents in South Africa's Kruger National Park, as told by the ordinary Park visitors who experienced them.
Q: What makes the book unique?
A: Until now, the bookshelves were heaving with stories from game rangers and guides - and excellent books they were too. But what about the one-million plus people who are let loose in the Park on their own every year? After all, with a Park the size of many small countries (think Israel or Wales) there are surely countless tales of close shaves, extraordinary encounters or bizarre incidents. That is what this book has set out to document.
Q: Are all the stories about animal attacks?
A: No, not at all, but the stories are all extraordinary in some way. They may be scary, hair-raising, unusual, curious, hilarious, barely believable or downright tragic. There is a little something for everyone, and everyone will have their own favourites. What they all share, however, is a over-arching theme that shows clearly just how special the Kruger National Park really is and perhaps demonstrates why so many people return year after year for the rest of their lives. It has been said that once you read this book, you will find it impossible not to start planning your first (or next) trip to Kruger!
Q: Where can I buy the book?
A: The book is available as a print edition (420 pages, softcover)
as well as a Kindle e-book. The Kindle edition is
from Amazon here. The print edition is available
at all good bookshops throughout South Africa, UK, USA and Canada. It is also available on Amazon in the UK, USA and Canada.
More information about where to buy it.
If your local bookshop does not stock it, please let the store manager know the title (101 Kruger Tales) and the ISBN (978-0620611329). Distribution is handled by Penguin Random House (South Africa).
Q: I want to stock the book in my bookstore, shop, guest house, safari lodge etc. Is this possible?
A: Certainly. There are excellent wholesale discounts for retailers of all sizes, and freight costs are free for orders of 4 copies or more. Please contact
with the following information:
Name of title: (ie. 101 Kruger Tales)
Qty of copies required:
Name of your company (exactly how you need it indicated on the invoice):
Delivery address:
Phone no.:
Vat no.(if you need this indicated on your invoice):
Q: Is there a difference between the Kindle edition and the Print edition?
A: The text content of the book is identical across both versions, but there are significantly more photographs in the Kindle edition (albeit at a slightly lower resolution to allow for faster digital download). Also, the Kindle edition includes the photographs immediately after each story, whereas the photos in the print edition are in a photo-plate cluster in at the end of Part One. The Kindle edition is significantly lower in price than the print edition owing to the lower overhead costs and cheaper distribution model. There is no doubt, however, that a paper copy of a book is always more pleasant to read and nicer to keep than a digital edition.
Q: I submitted a story for the first volume. Is my story in the book?
A: Firstly, thank you for taking the time to submit your story. The full list of contributors whose stories made it into the book (either as full stories or as an abridged version, as well as a number of others whose stories really stood out) are all listed on this page.
Questions about the next volume
Q: I have my own Kruger story that would be perfect in the book. Is there going to be another volume of tales?
A: There most certainly is, and already the stories are beginning to pile up. You can submit your tale on this site using the form on the 'Got Your Own Kruger Tale? page.
Q: I want to submit a story, but I am not a very good writer. Is that a problem?
A: That is absolutely not a problem. My advice to everyone is simply write it as though you were telling it to friends around the fire. Dont worry about grammar, spelling, structure or anything like that; it can all be ironed in the editing process. The most important thing to get across is all the nitty-gritty and essential detail. We can then work together to build your story into a masterpiece. In a worst case scenario, you are welcome to simply present the tale as a series of bullet points, which you and I can together use a back-bone upon which to build the story. So if you have a tale to share, don't even hesitate to submit it!
Q: When is the deadline for submitting stories?
A: The first volume of the book took four years to source, so at this stage there is no official deadline. There is no saying how quickly stories will roll in, however, so don't hang around too long or you may have to wait for the third volume...
Q: When will I hear if my story is going to
be used?
A: The collection process for all the stories may well take years (the first volume took four years in total), so you will have to be patient. Even once the target number
of stories has been received, there will be some chopping and changing right up until the book is ready to go to print, so I do my best not to get anyone's hopes up until the very last minute. In certain circumstances I may let you know
sooner. You can keep up to date with the progress of the second volume by following
the book on Twitter or Facebook. If you really can't wait, or you are
worried your story has not been received, send an email using the
little 'Want to Ask a Question?' form at the bottom of the page.
Q: Will I be paid for my submission?
A: Unfortunately not, but inclusion can, however, offer you
fame, literary immortality and something to show the grandchildren!
Q: How will I be acknowledged in the book?
A: Acknowledging the contributors towards the book is really
important - not only because it is your story, but because readers will want to know about you. All successful submissions will
be acknowledged with a short paragraph about each author in the
final chapter of the book, or if the layout changes, possibly even as an add-on to your story.
Q: How long should my story be?
A: Ideally, your story should be between 300 and 1200 words. Shorter
submissions will be difficult to publish, but will still be considered
if the subject matter really can't stretch to more than a few hundred
words. Longer submissions are also acceptable if the story
requires it.
Q: Does it matter that my story took place
many years ago?
A: Not at all. In fact some of the best stories are the oldies, particularly ones from the period before Health & Safety of visitors was a priority!
Q: My English is not that great. Can I submit
my story in Afrikaans (or any other language)?
A: Absolutely, so long as you don't mind that it will be translated
into English for the publication. English is of course the preferred
language for submission as it makes vetting the stories much quicker,
but I really am happy to receive stories in any language.
Q: What about copyright on my story and/or photographs?
A: When you submit your story you are not forfeiting your copyright but simply granting non-exclusive permission to publish. Copyright remains with you.